Today I sat there and watched a bunch of Disney movies. I almost started sobbing. Felt like an uber loser. Do happy endings really exist in reality? Why does the beautiful Princess always end up with Prince Charming? Even the self centered, inconsiderate Prince Naveen (from the “Princess and the Frog”) is willing to get two jobs to make Tiana’s dream to own a restaurant come true! Aww...how sweet! *sniff sniff* (On a side note….something to perhaps ponder about…will you really turn into a frog if you kiss too many frogs? BLAH! Well if there are readers out there….I doubt there will be any…please slap some senses into me if I get that desperate! EW! I don’t want to turn into a frog!)
Okay...I am not looking for a prince...I just want to find love like Carl and Ellie Fredrickson in “Up” (also a Disney/Pixar production...maybe I just need to stop watching Disney movies that idealize romance...maybe I am just brainwash...haha!) I just want to find someone to grow old together with. A simple love through sickness and health is not too much to ask for right? Is it? Perhaps it is too good to be true! They do, after all… have a near perfect love….probably as close to perfect as any couple will ever get! Sometimes…may be it is the not so perfect part of a relationship that makes it unforgettable. In “Up”, it was Ellie’s infertility….the regret had strengthens their bond. To truly move on from a relationship…maybe you have to first let go of your regrets! Time can heal the deepest wounds….hopefully…