Regardless of what they may be, these are really hard to let go. You had grown so emotionally attached to “he, she and/or it”. They are entrenched in your way of life. Putting them in a bag is perhaps one of the hardest things I have ever had to do…..okay….I didn’t suffocate a dog or murdered a baby and then stuffed them into a bag to hide the evidence! They are stuffed animals I had grown to care for and love….it is very tough to lead a life without them….I know I sound like a drama queen…but it’s been hard. I loved them for ¼ of my life! Here I am rambling like an emo loser….okay…I will admit it…I am…don’t judge! >_<
Stuffing animals into a bag, stuffed ones at that, and finding it hard to do, seems a bit nuts - but, there were obviously a lot of memories and attachments involved with them. So no worries, do what you must! And rant away about it!